Average Returns Are Misleading

Average Returns Are Misleading: How To Make Wise Investments

It’s not uncommon for people to base major decisions in their lives on the perceived odds of how that decision will pan out for them. Odds are like averages where the positive and negative outcomes are weighted to help people make decisions with their lives. However, when it comes to average returns, that kind of […]

Four Money Manager Secrets You Should Know And Use

Four Money Manager Secrets You Should Know And Use

Everyone has heard “past performance is no indication of future results.” But when it comes to investing what does that really mean? And, how can you use that understanding to protect and grow your nest egg? Being a smart money manager is like planning your route to the airport Let’s say you need to get […]

Independent Financial Advisors Vs. Investment Firms

Independent Financial Advisors vs. Investment Firms

Independent financial advisors vs. investment firms. Why is there such a difference? How do you benefit by choosing one over the other? Most importantly, how do you know you can trust your financial future with a smaller independent advisor? How do you know you can trust your money with a large investment firm? These are […]

4 Top Benefits of Working With a Financial Advisor

4 Benefits of Working With a Financial Advisor

Some things are just too difficult or stressful to do on our own. Sometimes, what we need is a little boost or a jumpstart to get started on work that will ultimately improve our lives over the long term. It just takes the right motivation to energize ourselves, which is why it pays off when […]

Invest Wisely: A Tale Of Two Retirement Savings Plans

Save for the dream retirement! Every investor putting money aside for their future retirement savings plan must make wise decisions with their finances today. Time is a diminishing asset, and every year that passes by is another year you won’t earn more money to finance your retirement. That’s an unavoidable fact, and you need to […]

How To Create Financial Blueprints For Long Term Investments

Creating a retirement plan that works means making smart money decisions today. You need to decide how much income you’re going to need, how much you can reasonably set aside, and how much your money needs to grow. The goal is to create a long term investment plan that will buy everything you’re going to […]

Beware These Common Online Scams

Beware These Common Online Scams

Beware these common scams, online scams and otherwise. In addition to new “Corona Cons” pitching bogus cures and treatments for COVID-19, the pandemic has to other types of scams including these. Banking and Financial Online Scams Scammers try to hook you into giving your information so they can set up financial accounts in your name. […]

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